Heartland Freedom Riders rescues, retrains and rehomes as many serviceable horses as resources allow. HFR believes in doing the most good for the greatest number of horses. That means using resources (time, funding, feed, care) to save the horses that are most likely to find good homes in a reasonable amount of time.
Being involved with saving horses requires continuously making the decision on what horses to save and what horses to let go. This is never easy and we want to discuss some of what goes into the decisions we make regarding the horses. While several have become resident horses with jobs to serve HFR and the community, HFR is not a permanent shelter or sanctuary; room needs to be made for other horses needing help. HFR is always alarmed to see rescues putting thousands of dollars into one horse. (Specifically on vet bills.) Certainly wanting to save that horse is understandable, but how many other horses could have been saved with the money that was spent on that ONE horse? The reality that has to be acknowledged is that resources are limited. Time, money, and space are some of the factors that we have to consider when deciding on a horse. Aside from that, we have to be realistic about that horse's chances of successfully finding a long term home. Of course we feel bad for the 20 year old pretty paint horse in the kill pen; but we feel worse for the 6 or 7 year old Quarter Horse in the kill pen that is sound and just needs groceries and training to become an enjoyable trail partner for someone. Which horse will most likely be able to find a home?
The vast majority of horses coming into HFR are intercepted before going to auction. Surrendering or selling cheap because owners can no longer care for the horse(s) for whatever reason. Money and/or health seems to be the most common. HFR has also worked with numerous law enforcement agencies accepting seizure on abused, neglected, and abandoned horses (and one stray donkey). While HFR does not promote “kill pens“ or prey on people’s sympathy, we have been called to attempt to rehome several fundraised horses.
Horses coming to HFR undergo a 30 day training and/or assessment period. This allows us to ensure that they are sound and healthy before going on to their new homes. During that time they receive farrier care and are checked by a vet. Beyond vet and farrier care, spending 30 days with incoming horses allows us to 'get to know' that horse: the horse's disposition, past training, current training needs and what type of rider the horse will be best suited for. Potential adopters are asked a variety of questions to determine the suitability of the horse they are considering. Making a good match between horse and rider is vital to the long term placement of the horse and a positive experience for all involved.
Heartland Freedom Riders DOES NOT sell horses for profit. An adoption fee is placed on the horse available for adoption. The adoption fee is not a reflection of the horse’s worth or value. Adoption fees are determined by feed, hay, vet care to include gelding stallions, supplements, deworming, and all expenses associated with the rescue of said horse.
Nobody likes to fail at anything. While we make the most efforts in trying to successfully home a horse, economically we must sometimes make the decision that a horse did receive a second chance but that several other horses are still out there needing their own second chance. Our standard policy is 90 days at which time the horse must be sold through public auction. Unclaimed horses that HFR did not accept through surrender are required to be sold in auction pursuant Arkansas Code 18-48-102 therefore we treat all horses that fail to be adopted the same.
There are donations and fund raisers that benefit Heartland Freedom Riders but part of the sustainability of the operation is generating a majority of the funds needed from the adoption fee of viable horses. Funds are sometimes raised to save a particular horse through social media but HFR does not survive week to week by crisis fund raising. HFR benefits to raise finances and awareness have previously included children’s rides, birthday parties, and rides for disabled veterans.